I had a very unfortunate incident occur that wound up being the impetus for chicken salad. I was roasting TWO chickens for a nice big dinner. Sooo, I put TWO whole chickens in my big ol’ cast iron Dutch oven. (I never know if Dutch is supposed to be capitalized here. I capitalize out of… Read More
I was visiting with a retired clergy friend of mine one day and he said that he always hated the summer. I asked why, and he told me that his car got so hot being locked up all of the time. When I inquired further, he said that he had to lock his car or… Read More
I love growing herbs. I have an herb bed where I have been collecting various herbs for a few years now. I have grown herbs from seed, but it is a slow process. One way I have managed to enlarge my herb bed quickly this year is by rooting herbs from the grocery store. I… Read More
Win this 16-quart pressure canner! It holds up to 10 pint jars or 7 quart jars. Don’t you need this in your kitchen? This giveaway is open to entry today only. (Ya gotta pay attention around here!) For a chance to win: Post one of your most fun family favorite snacks/appetizers, sandwiches, soups, or desserts… Read More
Hallmark has declared today National Cook a Sweet Potato Day. Sweet potatoes are good, not just on big holidays. Why does it seem we only bring out the fancy sweet potato dishes on those days? What better way to celebrate this famous day with you than to help you find all the wonderful sweet potato… Read More
Appetizers explain themselves–they tantalize the appetite for the main course. Everyone knows when the appetizer table is mouthwatering, the main course is to die for. Start your family’s taste buds warming up early. With the turkey, dressing, and rolls (everything else is done and sitting in the holding pattern the day before) being taken care… Read More
any MSG free recipes and substitutes for bouillon used to make my own, as the homemade recipes all contain flavored granules or bouillon which contain MSG
My MIL made the only thing I actually liked using the old fashioned citron fruit mix – a very soft cookie. Not a bar, just a regular cookie. Not particularly spicy, and more sponge cake like than a normal cookie. For some reason, the citron tasted good in this particular cookie. Other than in this... Read More
When I was a kid, my aunt used to can crab apples that I loved. Never thought to ask her for the recipe when she was alive, but a friend has a crab apple tree so loaded with crab apples, that some of the branches are touching the ground. When she told me that I... Read More