When someone told me that impatiens glandulifera seeds taste just like walnuts, I said, “Really, really? Hmmmm….I will have to see that for myself!” and so I have! They do taste like walnuts–they do, they do! I am so excited about this discovery! I can grow my own nuts. Well, sort of. I put some… Read More
I remember way back when–in corporate world days–my cookie dough came off a yellow truck that would stop curbside every Monday night. The friendly man would take my order and come back with bags and boxes that were promptly put into the freezer. Sooo easy. When I wanted to make “homemade” cookies, I would reach… Read More
A month or so ago I read an article on the Smithsonian web site about our eating habits in the United States. That article talked about the way advertising affects our eating habits and how they try to instill brand recognition and brand loyalty on everyone so they reach for the “right” brand time after… Read More
So, have you been on the lookout for an incredibly good caramel popcorn recipe? These ones are gonna knock you over! No – really! These are that good. And if they were that good and a pain to make – it still wouldn’t be worth the trouble. But the good news is that they are… Read More
Fiddleheads or fiddlehead greens are the curled-up early fronds of the ostrich fern, found in the spring along riverbanks in the Northeast and are eaten as a vegetable. Fiddleheads have antioxidant activity, are a source of Omega 3 and Omega 6, and are high in iron and fibre. How do you prepare fiddleheads you may… Read More
Is that something anyone can even aspire to be? You see true kitchen divas everywhere, but that has always been an elusive title, something that other people can have, but not me. What? Are you crazy, Pete? Could be. Back eons ago, it became obvious to all that this cat had no interest in and… Read More
any MSG free recipes and substitutes for bouillon used to make my own, as the homemade recipes all contain flavored granules or bouillon which contain MSG
My MIL made the only thing I actually liked using the old fashioned citron fruit mix – a very soft cookie. Not a bar, just a regular cookie. Not particularly spicy, and more sponge cake like than a normal cookie. For some reason, the citron tasted good in this particular cookie. Other than in this... Read More
When I was a kid, my aunt used to can crab apples that I loved. Never thought to ask her for the recipe when she was alive, but a friend has a crab apple tree so loaded with crab apples, that some of the branches are touching the ground. When she told me that I... Read More